
day 12 – a caulking update

It rained last night, so I got to see how well the caulk held up.

Good news is I didn’t see any leakage via the side panel pins.

Bad news is there was definitely some water down in the troughs that run down the sides of the van. It appears to be coming up from the rubber plugs that line the bottom of the van in those channels.

So tomorrow morning after my coffee run, I’m gonna try to caulk the bottoms and continue to minimize the leaks and take advantage of this wet weather we’ve been having.



It’s holding up!

In the sunlight, I could see some rust spots I missed, so at some point soon, I should probably do another once over. 

Also, be aware that an empty, clean cargo area is slippery as hell when the only thing between your feet and the floor is a slick pair of socks. Fell and busted my knee and ankle pretty hard the second my foot hit the ground.


Just spent a small amount of money on a cordless Worx reciprocating/jigsaw, some Noico sound deadener, and a roller to begin covering the wheel wells and either the wall or floors. I have an appointment with a mechanic on Monday morning for some general stuff so hopefully no surprises. 

ps – I’m keeping a running tab of my conversion expenses that I will eventually share in some way. I know everyone’s intention, resources, and necessities and desires differ, but mine is just an example. More on finances later.